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Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach. ― Clarissa Pinkola Estés

One child at a time...

Welcome to Fundación de Corazón de Niña, a registered nonprofit organization dedicated to providing youth and children at risk with opportunities for advancement and empowerment through education, working to provide promising futures for orphans and disadvantaged children through a variety of  programs.


Ranging in ages from roughly five to twenty-four, most are victims of abandonment, exploitation and abuse with parents either incarcerated, deceased, struggling with substance misuse or disappeared. 

At Fundación de Corazón de Niña, children live in a permanent residence, each with their own bed and basic needs met, as well as any additional physical and/or socio-emotional support they might need.  In-house teachers provide quality, personalized, compassionate education to students who almost all have additional needs and/or learning differences.


Graduates from our educational program live independently and are employed in different fields such as law, administration, renewable energy, sales, education, tourism, automotive, retail and more. With the skills they acquire and the contacts they make over the years, participating in the many experiences provided, so many doors are opened and the possibilities virtually endless! 

Who we are

We are part of a universal movement, working tirelessly to eliminate child poverty, abuse and exploitation, ensuring all children enjoy the right to a fair chance at life. 

For over a decade, we have lived in a house with up to 100 children and youth, up at 5:30 am, seven days a week. Every day is completely different, with its situations, challenges, victories and celebrations, just like any family.  Some days feel like a battlefield, some like a walk in the clouds.


Our Mission’s focus is to change the cycle, extremely difficult in a country where child protection and education are not yet priorities.  We are their only hope for change and their futures depend entirely on our ability to continue to support them in their transformation - so we don't give up.  Read our story...

The Challenge

We can change the world and make it a better place, it is in our hands to make a difference. 

- Nelson Mandala

For over a decade, we have lived in a house with up to 100 children and youth.  We are up at 5:30 am and in bed by 10 pm, seven days a week. Every day is completely different, with its situations, challenges, victories and celebrations, just like any family.  Surrounded by angels, we are part of a universal movement, working tirelessly to eliminate child poverty, abuse and exploitation, ensuring all children enjoy the right to a fair chance at life. 


Some days feel like a battlefield, some like a walk in the clouds. Our Mission’s focus is to change the cycle, extremely difficult in a country where child protection and education are unfortunately not yet priorities.  We know we are their only hope for change and that their futures depend entirely on our ability to continue to support them in their transformation - so we don't give up.   


Generating consistently positive results can sometimes give the impression that we no longer need help. This could not be further from the truth. Our mission is never-ending, there are always more children in need which means we will always require funding and support from our community. 

To truly live one’s faith and make a difference in the lives of this many children is an opportunity, an experience, and a gift for which we are eternally grateful. For all of you who accompany us, sharing the vision and the commitment, we thank you for making a difference and for helping us change the course of history – one child at a time.

With sincere appreciation,

Melissa and Juan


We provide a permanent, nurturing home for children at risk, preparing them to become strong, independent young people with opportunities for post-secondary education and life-long success. We equip young people with the tools they need to create enduring change in the lives of those around them.  working tirelessly to eliminate child poverty, abuse and exploitation, ensuring all children enjoy the right to a fair chance at life.


We envision a world where every child’s rights are respected, that they have a safe, loving, supportive home and have access to quality healthcare and education. That they become global citizens and leaders with the with the courage to be self-sustaining, the ability to think globally and act locally, living in harmony with Nature, her wonders and resources, ensuring a promising future for generations to come.


We believe Love is the Universal Law,  it transforms brokenness into  empowerment, bonds, fosters trust, heals wounds, grows joy.  Integrity is our way of life, what we teach our children, the moral fibre that holds us to an existence of truth, honesty and solidarity, commitment and compassion for all living things. Faith is our anchor, our support, our deepest connection to each other and a higher power, a state of grace.  Education 

liberates through knowledge, generating hope & self-reliance and how we change the cycle.


We protect some of Mexico's most disadvantaged children and youth – orphans, victims of abandonment, extreme poverty, violence, abuse and exploitation, children with disabilities and pediatric diseases. Children and youth who would otherwise have no future, would still be on the street, under a bridge, being abused, trafficked... we defend their rights and believe that their survival and development must be a priority for everyone, without children - there is no future.


...structures and processes that are designed to ensure accountability, transparency, responsiveness, rule of law.


Our team

Corazón's strength lies in youth empowerment and involvement -  'they are our past, present and future'. (Melissa Canez, President)

Bailarines folklóricos mexicanos

Culture & Identity

Imagine the challenge of introducing the subject of Identity to a classroom of children who have no functional or living parents and have been discriminated and/or abandoned by their own people because their skin color was an indication of Native Ancestry. 

Roughly, 85–90% of Mexicans have native ancestry.  Our role is to show them the tapestry of their heritage, give them a sense of appreciation, respect, pride and belonging.  How we do it - cultural events, curriculum, leading by example.  Read more... 

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