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Youth Empowerment

Mexico has one of the lowest rates of school enrollment for 15-19 year-olds possibly because poverty drives them to find jobs rather than complete their education.

(International Community Foundation)

Corazón´s Scholarship Program empowers vulnerable youth and young adults in our community, providing the financial support they need to finish Senior High School and/or a Career or Trade while providing on-the-job training and work experience opportunities. 





In 2018, Melissa was approached by Christina Martell and Bill Williams of Casa Jojo Foundation to adopt a Scholarship Program she had been running for 15 years. 


Designing Women and Men of Substance...

It was agreed that to qualify, there must first be a need, a minimum 85% GPA and the willingness to volunteer in the community - in keeping with Corazón's Culture - a sense of helping others must be instilled, The idea was to turn the hand out into a hand up, an opportunity to design women and men of substance, leaders with a conscience.   For most of us, this sounds reasonable but once the arduous task of screening was done - out of 55 applicants - only 20 actually qualified in terms of need and of those 20, only 9 would agree to volunteer either in their Communities or at Corazón.  Neither they, nor their parents could see the benefit.

Corazón's Scholarship (Becas) Program has grown, helping close to 100 students.  








Corazón inspires and empowers young people to reach their full potential through what has become a very dynamic Program supporting youth to achieve both Grade 12 and/or University/Trades Graduation.  At Corazón, investing in their futures involves much more than paying school fees - it requires Mentorship, Counselling, Apprenticeship and Internship Opportunities combining moral and financial support and practical experience. The result is a graduate with an advantage, able to demonstrate years of on-the-job training and experience in their fields.  

At the core of what we do is the belief that youth can do incredible things, when given the

inspiration and the opportunity.

Applicants must be enthusiastic, focussed, hard-working, committed to helping others and determined to reach their goals.  Support for post-secondary education/training includes training in the following areas:  Leadership and Life Planning, University English, Financial Planning, Career Orientation, Time Management and more to prepare them for university life and beyond.


Scholarship recipients are required to volunteer either in their community or within the Foundation in one of our main areas – Administration, Operations, Accounting, Culinary Arts, Education, Fine Arts, Maintenance, Technology, Fashion Design, Marketing & Promotion. 

Our youth are the driving force behind the phenomenal growth and success of our Mission!

Get to know us...



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Corazón's Scholarship Program allows me to finish my Career Culinary in Culinary Arts at Vizcaya University while gaining experience as Kitchen Manager at Corazón!  It is one thing to study but quite another to cook for 50-100 people every day.  This is such an amazing experience for me both personally and professionally, something I will remember always.

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My career in Fashion Design at UNE was made possible by Corazón's Scholarship Program.  I Manage the Corazón Boutique and live in Corazón's Student Housing. Making a difference with children and youth, being a leader, has given me so much in terms of Management skills and my own Personal Development.  I am very grateful for this opportunity.




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My career in Nursing at UDG is possible thanks to a Corazón Scholarship. Corazón's new Nursing and Prevention Centre has become my passion, my place to shine!  I realize how many opportunites are available to me that I never imagined!  I truly enjoy sharing my knowledge and contributing in Primary Science class, it reinforces all that I know and I am proud to be a part of this!

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Corazón's Apprenticeship opportunities equip students with on-the-job training through established partnerships with a variety of local business owners who are always looking to recruit and develop a highly-skilled workforce.

Photo:  Cristian Alfaro installing solar panels in Apprenticeship with Popesa Solar Energy 




Corazón Internships provides students with opportunities to explore career paths and gain invaluable work experience. 

We open the door, pairing up our youth with local business owners and professionals, the rest becomes part of their history!

Photo:  Juan Leon Benavides apprenticing with Dra. Teresa Valle 


Student Housing

The question was always - what will they do after they leave here?  How will they adapt to life outside?  The answer was complex... they need to develop self-discipline, maturity, independence, time management and leadership skills, know how to manage their expenses, take care of their own space...  the answer was, provide an opportunity to transition gradually surrounded by caring friends and mentors in a space of their own, under the Corazón umbrella.


Corazón's Student Housing provides a safe, peaceful, very close, affordable study environment with the essentials plus social areas and a sense of community and companionship.  Corazón's nurturing family culture, together with the investment of time, energy, and resources of all those who support our residential program will all mean a better start at adult life for all those fortunate enough to benefit from this initiative.


We are hoping for 2023 completion! 




Our Graduates


What does the future hold once they leave?




Many of our High School Graduates pursue University or Technological Degrees, although most decide to take jobs and seek independence.  Some do so, change their minds and come back for more.  Six are currently employed full-time at Corazón.  Two are members of our Board of Directors!  Some live in our on-site Student Housing while others live independently. 


Corazón graduates are working in fields such as Tourism, Culinary Arts, Marketing, Law, Administration, Renewable Energy, Sales, Education, Esthetics, Accounting, Tourism, Construction, Automotive, Retail and more.  With the skills, training and experience they acquire at Corazón, so many doors are opened and the possibilities virtually endless!



53 High School Graduates/4 University Graduates

Current Enrolment

10 in University/Trades/14 in Senior High School







Help us empower Mexican youth

to reach their full potential through

High School and Unviversity Graduation! 




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