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What we do

Empower Mexican children and youth rescued from high risk situations.

Discover how Corazón works to eliminate child abuse and poverty by providing a safe supportive home environment, student housing and access to quality healthcare, education and community outreach programs. 

Welcome to Fundación Corazón de Niña, a residence and educational program for children and youth at risk in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.  We are a family of up to 100 at any given time, all ages, growing, thriving and preparing for our futures.  With the help of sponsors, we provide them with access to quality education, healthcare and the love of a forever home.


Fundación de Corazón de Niña, the largest of all children’s charities in Puerto Vallarta, works to provide promising futures for orphans and disadvantaged children through a variety of Programs.  We believe that the survival, protection and development of children must be a priority for everyone, without them there is no future.


Corazón advocates for the protection of children's rights adhering to international standards of behaviour towards children.  Given that Mexico holds first place in the world for violence against its children, we have been called 'rebelious and disobedient' because we don't give up.


We are committed to providing access to quality healthcare, education and life skills giving children and youth the support they need to reach their full potential.   Corazón is non-partisan and promotes equal rights and inclusion. We provide protection for some of Mexico's most disadvantaged children and youth – orphans, victims of abandonment, extreme poverty, violence, abuse and exploitation, children with disabilities and pediatric diseases.


Corazón is committed to a holistic eco-centric learning experience, with UN Sustainable Development Goals at the heart of our Educational Program.  We raise awareness and effect transformation, inspiring youth to think Globally and act locally, global citizens with a conscience and the courage to be self-sustaining while making a difference both in their community and internationally.


We are part of a universal movement, working tirelessly to eliminate child poverty, abuse and exploitation, ensuring all children enjoy the right to a fair chance at life.

 Child Protection

 Every child has the right to grow up in a safe, supportive, inclusive home environment with their rights respected and voices heard.


You can help Corazón rescue children in Mexico 

Learn How...

Niño leyendo en la hierba

Health and Wellbeing

Children have the right to enjoy the highest attainable standard of health and access to health care services. (Humanium)

Find out what Corazón does to eliminate fear, hunger and pediatric diseases...

Children arrive most often in poor health, suffering of malnutrition and trauma, years behind in their educational process.  They are assessed by a doctor, dentist, psychologist and educator.  A personalized treatment plan is created and put into action.

We consider the whole child when we address children’s healthcare - mind, body and spirit.

This approach is enmeshed in every part of their daily lives, restoring hope and helping expedite healing. Learn more...



Education enables upward socioeconomic mobility and is a key to escaping poverty.
UN Sustainable Development Goal #5

Our Educational Program is progressive and student-centered. A holistic, integrated approach focusing on Sustainable Development, Environmental Studies, Community Outreach and Global Awareness. Learn more...



Always a priority in everything we do, the search for sustainability has meant embracing opportunities to educate and empower, exposing our children and youth to opportunities that equip them with the tools, skills and practical experience necessary to become self-sustaining, leading by example, able to innovate, design and create peaceful, eco-friendly solutions and products to be shared and enjoyed by all.


Solar Energy and green spaces reducing energy costs. Today our own in-house Corazón Boutique


Sewing, Fine Arts, Clay, Culinary Arts, Baking, Photography, Eco-cleaning & Hygiene Products


Recycling, composting, planting our own food and producing our own eco-cleaning and personal hygiene/beauty products.

Brazos levantados en Huddle

Youth Empowerment

At the core of what we do is the belief that youth can do incredible things, when given the inspiration and the opportunity. Once young people recognize their worth, anything is possible. We seek to inspire and empower our children and youth with our youth empowerment programs.   Read more...

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