...structures and processes that are designed to ensure accountability, transparency, sustainability...

Accountability, in terms of ethics and governance, is equated with answerability, blameworthiness, liability, and the expectation of account-giving. (Wikipedia)
Twice a year, we are inspected Federally via a detailed online platform plus by two different State entities which includes providing detailed information both financial as well as all aspects of our Programs and children's health, development, etc. as well as a knock at the door - with no appointment - where a team of government officials walk in and stay for anywhere from four to six hours - whatever it takes - depending on how many children we have at any given time - to audit not only financials but also legal, health, operations, premises, conditions... all of this includes interviewing children, youth, staff, volunteers, neighbors. Our home becomes theirs until their inspection is complete. We are sharing below for the first time on our website some stats that may be of interest.

Our Transparency can be seen in our openness to receive donors in our home and allow them to witness firsthand the results of their generosity, see the children in their home and school environment, play a game of chess or share a meal, review financial information...
In Mexico, Transparency, if not handled properly, can affect security and the integrity of all those involved, including donors. We feel this is a priority and must supercede a need to bear-all on the www. We have avoided many situations that other charities have been faced with by being mindful of this sad reality. This is not Canada, nor is it the US - this is Mexico. So, if there is anything we have missed on the website - information you were hoping to find - please just contact us and we will gladly respond!
What we are most proud of...
Many of our supporters have been with us for over 10 years.
Supporters know they can call and come by anytime.
Our Administrative costs are minimal, currently 13%.
We are committed, 365 days a year, seven days a week to our Mission.
Over 250 children and youth have eaten, prayed and been loved at Corazón.
We are non-partisan.
We show our gratitude.
We make a difference at home and in our community.
We are faith driven.
We eat healthy food.
We are eco-centric.
We love all that is green.
We rescue and love animals.
There are many ways to become involved
Our donors trust us and are committed to our cause.
We involve and empower our youth.
We employ our own Graduates.
We defend the rights and integrity of children, even when it means being unpopular in some circles.
We teach our children to be self-sustaining and work toward that goal ourselves as a Foundation.
We practice inclusion.
We use preventative medicine.
We find solutions.
We care for our sick.
We live our faith.
We teach literacy and numeracy.
We offer children a second chance at life.
We tell children they are loved, special, talented, beautiful and capable of anything they set their minds to.
We inspire and challenge them to reach their full potential.
We celebrate diversity.
We dare to be different.
We don't shut down in a crisis.
We don't give up.

Thank you
To each and every one of you who have seen the need, become involved, stayed the course, loved the children, believed in us, evolved with us, provided stability, been part of the solution...