Why the need for a Sanctuary for children in Puerto Vallarta?
More than half of all children in Mexico live in poverty. Children in tourist destinations are particularly vulnerable to abuse and exploitation, having little or no access to healthcare, clean water, hygiene, adequate food or education.
A Decade of Compassion...
Established in 2012, the Corazón Sanctuary provides a safe, nurturing home environment for girls, boys, teens and young adults. Each with their own bed and basic needs met, a family with traditions, celebrations and of course, rules! As well as any additional physical and/or socio-emotional support they might need, residents are provided four meals a day - popcorn, bike rides, beach and hiking trips on weekends. A place where many have reclaimed childhoods, celebrated birthdays and holidays together, played, prayed, healed and grown together. A place to call home, a place many return to every year at Christmas time, in a crisis, or in excitement to show off a new boyfriend or BABY! A place to grow up, in a compassionate setting, surrounded by caring friends and mentors, forming friendships that last well beyond their years at Corazón.
Mexican Statistics/Facts
Number of Mexican children and youth who find themselves in situations of poverty - 1 in 2
Mexico is number one in the world for Child Abuse (OECD)
90% of Sex Crimes against children are never brought to trial
Mexico is number one worldwide for child obesity and bullying
Percentage of Mexican youth who do not finish high school - 55%
Our Results...
Total number of women, children & youth rescued by Corazón from high-risk situations - 285
Victims of sex crimes rescued and empowered by Corazón - 210
Nutritious meals provided by Corazón de Niña since 2012 - 1,440,000
Number of high school graduates from Corazón de Niña - 60
Corazón adult beneficiaries currently employed - 97%
University students currently benefitting from Corazón's Scholarship Program - 7

Corazón supports disadvantaged children and youth by offering a variety of inclusive Educational programs designed to meet their individual needs.
Corazón inspires and empowers young people to reach their full potential through our dynamic Scholarship Program

Making changes in your life can catalyze deeper involvement in activism — in your community and beyond — to improve those systems
David Suzuki

Youth Empowerment

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
(UN Sustainable Development Goal #11)

Community Outreach
Raising children to help others creates a sense of connection and interdependence with other human beings. Learning that they are interrelated to each other in the community helps form a sense of obligation to other people and caring beyond one’s family (Lickona, 1983). Read more...