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Board of Directors & Oversight Committee

History will judge us by the difference we made in the everyday lives of children. 

Nelson Mandela

Corazón's Board of Directors is made up of passionate, committed people, dedicated to helping children in Mexico.  Melissa and Juan are Founders and the beating heart of Corazón de Niña. Corazon's Oversight Committee works closely with the Board, providing invaluable insight, supervising and ensuring transparency & accountability, developing systems to ensure a sustainable future for the Foundation through Strategic Planning. 


Laura Hunter

Board Member


Alberto Perez

Oversight Committee


Amauri Meza

Oversight Committee


Marsha Bailey

Oversight Committee


Geb Bailey

Oversight Committee


Securing tomorrow by putting our youth in leadership roles today!



Our dynamic team of Educators are superheroes, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound...

Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them,

and it will change your life.

― Amy Poehler, The Art of Inside Out

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